Every time you hugged me instead of telling me the truth
For every kiss you gave me to shut my worries down
My heart felt the sword with the strength of your arms
If my heart had a skeleton
Every time you trusted time effect instead of sharing                    
For every tear that I have shed on my pillow at night
My soul excused you with logic and stupidity
If my heart had a skeleton
Every time you have to look back at the accomplishments
For every word that I wish I was the unique recipient
My heart lost count of how many time it has fallen
If my heart had a skeleton
Every time you satisfied and pursued your macho’s ego
For every pain it caused, my heart have bled and bleeds
My heart broke in thousands of pieces
If my heart had a skeleton
Every time reason brings me facts and examples
For every single one my heart put up the defense with pride
My soul knows at least to recognize what’s happiness
If my heart had a skeleton
My heart fell under the weight of a love too strong for its youngness
But, always finds ways to ***get back together and love more than ever
My heart swears by this love which chose me and that I chose
If my heart had a skeleton
How many times has it been broken and felt dead with no hope?
How many surgeries and therapies were needed since it is still alive?
These are not the questions of a heart in love and which swears by love
If my heart had a skeleton
The fact is I know LOVE from the tears of joy to the heartaches
Glad that my heart even broken and bleeding will heal again
With no bones in,  the falls just makes it stronger and ready
If my heart had a skeleton

Jasleyv F. Metellus, 2016

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